The easiest way to building your warehouse What kind of a warehouse do you want to build? START BUILDING YOUR WAREHOUSE
Build your warehouse step by step! Do you want to open your first warehouse? START BUILDING YOUR WAREHOUSE
Do you want to renew your supply chain and warehouse? Do you want to make your logistic operations more efficient? START BUILDING YOUR WAREHOUSE

What is Depokur?

According to the review of the latest research, there are no available practical established methods to build a warehouse. Our mission is to fill this gap by offering a web-based solution to our customers. With, logistic managers can follow a step by step guide leading to the most important and qualified suppliers that will help you build your new warehouse.

How to use

Our users can start by picking the relative sector that they want to build their warehouse in, and continue choosing from the multiple solutions that our website offers in terms of warehouse systems, relevant information, images, formulas, and suppliers.

To illustrate our point: imagine a logistics manager who is in charge of building a new wholesale warehouse. Our manager can first pick the sector, wholesale, then continue to either cold or dry warehouse options. After selecting one of the two, Depokur will prompt the manager to choose from either picking or stocking operation options. Finally, our manager can pick the type of shelves they want to build, and choose from the wide range of suppliers who offer the specific type of shelf.


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